Land, sea and air: the three elements that make up Lanzarote’s sporting paradise
Land, sea and air: the three elements that make up Lanzarote’s sporting paradise Its exceptional wind, wave and temperature conditions and the warm, friendly atmosphere of its sporting communities attract thousands of surfers, divers and trail runners from all over the world. Land, sea and air are the elements of nature that define […]
Why Lanzarote is the ultimate green holiday destination
Why Lanzarote is the ultimate green holiday destination If you love travelling but would an eco-friendly holiday, then look no further. Lanzarote has always been a sustainable tourism destination, long before the concept of green holidays was born. Whereas many destinations are now realising they need to be more sustainable, Lanzarote has been evolving in […]
La Graciosa, the island to enjoy with bare feet
La Graciosa, the island to enjoy with bare feet Kick off your flip flops. Sink your feet into the cool sand and enjoy the immediate effect: feel your shoulders relax, notice how your sense of smell is sharpened – sniff the saltpetre, seaweed and fresh fish scales. We wanted a different kind of Christmas […]
Fire and Wind: Discovering the rural heart of Lanzarote
Fire and Wind: Discovering the rural heart of Lanzarote The countryside of this island is home to a lot of truth. This comes to mind when standing before some of the black gardens that the people of Lanzarote designed with the ashes thrown up by the volcano in the 18th century, the same century […]
To be aware, or not to be: what is Lanzarote doing to be a sustainable tourist destination?
To be aware, or not to be: what is Lanzarote doing to be a sustainable tourist destination? The scientific community could say it louder but they couldn’t say it any clearer: we must adapt and mitigate climate change. Lanzarote is a pioneer in the design of experiences that impact on the traveller’s memory, while […]