Grape harvest in La Geria: a feast for the senses
Grape harvest in La Geria: a feast for the senses The special climatic conditions of the protected landscape of La Geria bring the first grape harvest in the entire northern hemisphere. If you are in Lanzarote this summer, we suggest seven plans that take in this wine-growing area, one of the most spectacular in the [...]Autumn in Lanzarote, a bubble of relaxation
Autumn in Lanzarote, a bubble of relaxation Feeling the tickle of volcanic or white sand on the beaches that wind along the coast is one of the magical experiences of autumn in Lanzarote. In this almost transcendental state that autumn holidays on Lanzarote offer, there is no choice but to fully immerse yourself in the [...]How to experience an authentic Dia de Canarias in Lanzarote
How to experience an authentic Día de Canarias in Lanzarote If you’re in Lanzarote on May 30, you’re in luck! It’s Día de Canarias (Canary Islands Day), a public holiday when towns and villages are filled with festivities as islanders proudly celebrate their culture and traditions. Read on to discover the history behind this special day, how […]
To be aware, or not to be: what is Lanzarote doing to be a sustainable tourist destination?
To be aware, or not to be: what is Lanzarote doing to be a sustainable tourist destination? The scientific community could say it louder but they couldn’t say it any clearer: we must adapt and mitigate climate change. Lanzarote is a pioneer in the design of experiences that impact on the traveller’s memory, while […]
Potajes, enyesques and jareas: the roots of Lanzarote’s cuisine
Potajes, enyesques and jareas: the roots of Lanzarote’s cuisine It was José Saramago who said that your identity is not given by your name, nor by the place where you were born, nor by your particular birthday. “Identity consists in being”. And “being” involves, among many other things, walking, contemplating… and eating. Today we are travelling aboard the […]